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What Do Quality Customers Experience? Part 1: Attitude
Jim Stein
AttitudeAttitude is how a person comes across. It’s a feeling we get about someone’s mindset, mood, outlook and energy. We have a sixth sense when it comes to sensing peoples’ in-the-moment attitude. While some people are pretty consistent in their outward appearances of attitude, others vacillate. We sense attitude changes in friends, families and coworkers. […]

What Do Quality Customers Experience? Part 2: Responsiveness
Jim Stein
Responsiveness Responsiveness is the perceived time it takes for your team to act on promised and implied commitments. By definition, these implied commitments are unspoken and often assumed by custom, like returning a phone call within two days. Since there’s no official rule of response times per channel between company and customer, unless you specifically […]

What Do Quality Customers Experience? Part 3: Personalization
Jim Stein
PersonalizationPersonalization is how your team communicates to individuals uniquely based on their key attributes and behaviors. Companies often use a one-size-fits-all communication framework that’s workable for most of their customers. “Workable” communications will help you satisfy your customers, while personalized communications deepen relationships and help you create super-satisfied customers. There are two key aspects […]

Why is Helpful Expertise so Important?
Jim Stein
“Helpful” is in the eye of the person being helped, not the person providing the help. Your customer is the judge and has to feel that the expertise you provide really is helpful to their exact situation and is given in a manner that suits both their personality and experience with the subject. Before […]

Interview With Niv Goldman, Owner of Alley Cat
Matthew Solis
Q: What’s the best way to attract and keep Quality Customers? A: We just try to be honest with our clients about their situations and let them make their own decisions. The whole relationship is very transparent the entire way. Nobody’s trying to pull them this way or that way. Q: Do you think people […]
Interview With David Katz, Owner of Trio Heating & Air
Matthew Solis
Q: Why do you think it’s so important to work with Quality Customers? A: We want to work with people who can appreciate top quality work because that’s what we have to offer. When you’re working with this audience you can invest and create safe, comfortable, and long-lasting work. Eventually, it actually brings us to […]

Interview With Mike Amini, Partner at Craftsmen’s Guild, Inc.
Matthew Solis
Q: How do you make sure you’re meeting the expectations of Quality Customers? A: We work closely with our clients and never let them feel like they’re alone or they’ve said something that we don’t understand. We listen to them and take notes. We make sure to provide exactly what we’ve promised. At the same time, […]

Interview With Tristin Wurzbach, General Manager of B2 Perfection Auto Body
Matthew Solis
Q: Why do you think you’ve been able to attract and maintain Quality Customers? A: We give our customers personal service. It’s not just an in-and-out type situation. We teach each customer about their repair and really bond with them. And at the end of the repair, they almost feel like a part of our family […]